Thursday 26 May 2011

It's time we had UHF cb radio for Europe

Australia and USA both have uhf cb,we in Europe have pmr446 but no repeaters are allowed nor are any base station antennas,446pmr would be great if we had a similar system to Australia and USA,as it stands we only have 27mhz cb radio which is dying a painful death,pmr446 is different,you can go to Maplins and other high street shops and buy a pmr446 handheld but 27mhz cb you can't,we need to get a movement started for uhf cb radio that allows repeaters and 4 watt radios with external antennas,we need to contact ofcom and all the major radio manufacturers to get the message across that we want uhf cb radio for Europe,if enough people put pressure on the gov maybe one day we will have what Australia and USA both have.

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