Tuesday 24 May 2011

CB radio got cancer in the year 2000 but was it terminal ?

Even in the late 90's cb radio was still kicking,i remember a time when over half of the 40 channels was used in the late 90's,then come 2000 and cb radio went down hill big time,alot of people blame the internet and mobile phones,see most people in this nation are trend followers,whether people like it or not they always want to be seen as trendy ,well it just so happens that in the year 2000 was a new decade with new trends like the internet,all of the sudden cb radio was seen as a place where only a sad bunch of misfits hang out,the truth was that a small bunch of people just refused to move on with the new "trend" ie the internet,the internet has more misfits then cb radio could dream of.

Back to the question of cb radio dying,i would say it's been a long slow painful death wouldn't you agree ? What a horrible way to die,the question remains, can cb radio be treated and brought back from the brink of death ? I say no,cb radio is still dying and will continue to die untill no sign of any life on the bands at which point it will be sold off by ofcom,the reason i say this is obvious,cb radio is a old technology that has no use in this day and age and can anyone really see a youngsta buying and using cb radio with all the internet has to offer ? I thought so.


  1. what a doom and gloom way to look at it! im 20 and have been into CB for about 9 months now. ive had PMR446 radios since i was about 12 and loved using them (still do!) ive been on the internet for at least 10 years too. sure, the internet connects us all together, but radio presents a challenge. Im going to be taking my amateur radio exams at some point too :)

    so its not dead out there!

  2. Hi Jake where i am it's dead,only the 19 is used,it's sad but true.
